Sunday, December 23, 2018

Kawaii Xmas!

I got a bunch of 70% off felt garland CREATOLOGY kits at Michael's yesterday. They came 4 to a pack, so I got two packs of each. I figured they would make excellent "Five Little" whatever props. But then I decided they looked like ornaments and had to make a little tree...

Thursday, November 1, 2018

All the Fish

I am always looking for ways to incorporate more music into my storytimes. Sadly, good kids music is hard to find. The other day, my coworker Urmilla wanted to know if I had felt pieces for Caspar Babypants’ song, “All the Fish.” I hadn’t considered it but it seemed like a great idea. So, I set about making one at once. I work with the best people!

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Pillow Pigs!

Some people say these pigs look like toast. I don't agree, they are most definitely pillows. This song wouldn't make sense if they were toast. I mean c'mon?

Thursday, March 8, 2018

I Had a Little Kawaii Turtle

I had a little turtle when I was a child. Its name was “Speedy” since it had a orange racing stripe down its back, not because it was particularly fast.  Speedy lived in a bowl with a fake plastic tree. A strange fungus took Speedy from this mortal coil within a month of coming home from the pet store.  This song is in memoriam of all the short lived pet store animals and their sad owners.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Ten (Tsum Tsum) in the Bed

Back a million years ago when I had a weekly "Bedtime" themed pajama storytime, I used "Ten in the Bed" all the time. It features counting down, rolling hands and the perennial kids favorite, things falling out of a bed. I remembered it recently and thought it would be fun to make a flannelboard set. I tried to think of something cute, round and stackable which could fit on a bed....Tsum Tsum

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Walking Through the Kawaii Jungle (and the forest...and the arctic...and by the river...and by the ocean)

I love the adaptability of this call and response song! You could use whatever pretend animals you have available, be they puppets or flannelboard pieces. Also, this chant works well with both animal noises and animal movements!