Thursday, July 21, 2016

Five Little Hot Dogs

This rhyme goes well with a storytime about factory farming and safety in the meat-packing industry. I usually point out that these are actually tofu dogs.

Ask the kids to count their fingers on one hands and them begin. Clap on the "BAM!!" and throw the hot dog (and then finally the pan) into the air:

Five little hot dogs frying in a pan,
One got hot and it went, "BAM!!"

Four little hot dogs frying in a pan,
One got hot and it went, "BAM!!"

 Three little hot dogs frying in a pan,
One got hot and it went, "BAM!!"

 Two little hot dogs frying in a pan,
One got hot and it went, "BAM!!"

 One little hot dogs frying in a pan,
One got hot and it went, "BAM!!"

 No little hot dogs frying in a pan,
The pan got hot and the pan went, "BAM!!"

Finish with a short talk about the importance of not leaving food unattended on a stove-top.

Thanks to Jen at Adventures in Storytime for hosting!


  1. OMG, you are hilarious. These are SO good. And as a pescetarian, I totally appreciate your reference to factory farm story times :)

    1. Pescatarians unite! Over a brief span I read Fast Food Nation and Zombie Baseball Beatdown. Then I saw the movie Samsara which has an extended factory farm sequence. It made something click in my brain. Look at my This Little Piggie post for another cruelty free rhyme.
      Morrissey would be proud.
